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Cooking It Forward is all about inspiring people to cook as a way to build healthy families and communities. As others have done for us, we pass along the cooking tradition.  So, take a bit of time and enjoy Cooking it Forward

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Agua de Pepino (Cucumber Limeade)

Agua de Pepino (Cucumber Limeade)

About as refreshing as it gets—this homemade limeade has a touch of agave syrup  (it's sweeter than regular sugar so you can add less)! 

Prep Time: 10 minutes   


2 medium cucumbers

6-8 medium limes (for 1 cup fresh lime juice)

4 cups (1 quart) water

3 Tbsp. agave syrup or to taste (granulated sugar, simple syrup or honey may be substituted)

Fresh mint


Peel and seed the cucumbers, and cut into large chunks.  Squeeze lime juice into measuring cup.

Combine in a blender jar: cucumbers, lime juice and water; blend well.

Strain into a pitcher.  Stir in agave syrup.  Add ice and garnish with sprigs of mint.  Makes about 6 cups.


The remaining cucumber and lime pulp can be refrigerated for up to 3 days and makes a wonderful addition to a smoothie!

Recipe may be halved for 2-3 servings.

For extra flavor, add 1 Tbsp. of freshly grated ginger root to the blender!

Nutrition Information per serving (8 fl oz): 40 Calories; 0g Total Fat; (0g Sat Fat; 0g Trans Fat); 0mg Chol; 0mg Sodium; 11g Total Carb; (0g Fiber; 8g Sugars); 0g Protein

Guisado (Summer Vegetable Stew)

Guisado (Summer Vegetable Stew)

Whiskey Marinated Steak

Whiskey Marinated Steak