Cooking It Forward is all about inspiring people to cook as a way to build healthy families and communities. As others have done for us, we pass along the cooking tradition. So, take a bit of time and enjoy Cooking it Forward!
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Carol Altomare MS RDN
I’m a dietitian, wife, mom, "empty nester," nutrition consultant and avid volunteer. As you may have guessed, I have been cooking for a long time.
My mom (who also was a dietitian) was a terrific cook. Because of her, I started puttering in the kitchen as a toddler. When I was five, I got the best Christmas present ever, a pink Easy Bake Oven. I was hooked! At age 16, I won two Better Homes & Gardens recipe contests each with a $50 prize. Despite these fabulous winnings, college beckoned and I eventually earned degrees in biology and nutrition science plus my RDN (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist) credential. For my first job, I landed in a fast-growing food company. There I spent nearly 25 year delving into food, nutrition and cooking from many different angles.
The first real test of my culinary abilities came when I married into a large Italian-American family. I recall one newlywed moment quite well: “What? You don’t like my marinara?” By the way, I have since mastered and even optimized the Altomare marinara recipe! My husband, an engineer, learned to cook at his mother's side. She was of Neapolitan heritage, need I say more? More than anyone, he has inspired me to take my cooking to the next level and is a huge supporter of this venture.
Motherhood soon followed. I often say being a mom is the very best training for a dietitian. Though the joys of being a parent are beyond measure, I found that working and cooking for my family was often overwhelming, especially with my husband's travel schedule. Here I was, spending my workdays developing recipes and tips to help people put healthy meals on their tables, only to arrive home at night wondering what my own family would have eat! So, I totally get it when it comes to finding the time, energy and inspiration to cook. The recipes on my website keep this in mind!
Now, our girls have fledged the nest, and I’ve started this venture: Cooking It Forward. It's a work of love rather than a business, although I provide consulting on a part-time basis. In addition to this website, I partner with local not-for-profits and schools to promote wellness, food literacy and cooking enjoyment. I hope, no matter your life stage, you’ll find something here that will inspire you.
As others have done for us, we pass along the cooking tradition. It's vital to healthy families and communities. So take a bit of time and enjoy Cooking It Forward!
Healthy regards,