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Cooking It Forward is all about inspiring people to cook as a way to build healthy families and communities. As others have done for us, we pass along the cooking tradition.  So, take a bit of time and enjoy Cooking it Forward

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Homemade Custard Ice Cream

Homemade Custard Ice Cream

A beloved recipe from Kate Hedrick of Meredosia Illinois

Prep Time: 30 minutes    Chill Time: 3 hours or overnight    Freezing Time: varies


1 quart (4 cups) whole milk

4 eggs

1¼ cups granulated sugar

2 Tbsp. vanilla

1½ Tbsp. corn starch

½ tsp. salt

3 cups heavy cream


In a medium saucepan, bring milk to a simmer over medium heat until it reaches 180◦ F.

In a medium bowl or with an electric mixer bowl, beat together the eggs, sugar, vanilla, corn starch and salt until thick and pale. Alternately add heavy cream and hot milk to the egg mixture, beating constantly. NOTE: Add hot milk gradually in a thin stream to the egg mixture so eggs do not cook.

Pour this entire mixture back into a large (4 or 6 quart) saucepan.  Cook over medium  heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens slightly and reaches180◦ F.   The custard should coat the back of a wooden spoon, but will not be as thick as pudding.

Remove custard from the heat and pour into a large bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and chill about 3 hours (for best results, chill custard overnight). 

Remove any skin that has formed on top of the custard.  Freeze in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions.  Do not over-churn the ice cream or it can have a grainy texture.  Place the ice cream in the freezer to set up for at least 1 hour before serving. Makes 3 quarts.

Nutrition Information per serving: {My Grandma Hedrick never thought of such things. With this indulgent recipe, you’re better off doing the same!}

Whiskey Marinated Steak

Whiskey Marinated Steak

Satay Your Way

Satay Your Way