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Cooking It Forward is all about inspiring people to cook as a way to build healthy families and communities. As others have done for us, we pass along the cooking tradition.  So, take a bit of time and enjoy Cooking it Forward

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Berry Parfait

Prep Time: 5 minutes   


½ - 1 cup yogurt (or choose a non-dairy yogurt such as soy, almond, oat or cashew)

1 cup fresh berries (or whole fruit into bite size chunks)

½ cup granola or crunchy whole grain cereal


Spoon half the yogurt into a mason jar or bowl. Top the yogurt with fruit. Spoon the rest of the yogurt onto the fruit.

Sprinkle granola over the top of the parfait. Add more crunch in the middle layers if you like! Makes 1 parfait.

 WHY IT’S GOOD FOR YOU: Yogurt gives you calcium for strong bones and teeth. Fruit is bursting with vitamins and antioxidants for good health.  Granola gives you whole grains for energy.


Boost flavor by stirring spices, citrus zest or cocoa powder into the yogurt

Make these parfaits with homemade granola—click here for the recipe. Add even more crunch with sunflower seeds, chia seeds, pepitas or chopped unsalted nuts

Oatmeal Bread

Oatmeal Bread

